Thoughts On Algorithms, Geometry etc...

Saturday, February 23, 2013

On Reconstructing Convex Polyhedra (Contd.)

This post continues the last post here.

Ramana Rao found a set of polygonal faces which can form different convex polyhedra with different volumes.

See the following page:

Pictures 2 and 3 are easier to understand. The two convex objects - icosagonal dipyramid and the decagonal dipyramidal antiprism have different volumes and are both composed of the same set of 40 identical isosceles triangular faces.

Further question: Are there face sets where not all faces are identical and which generate distinct polyhedra with different volumes? Can one have an upper bound on the total different shapes among the polygons in any set of faces that can yield convex polyhedra of different volumes - and in face sets which yield polyhedra with different shapes with maybe the same volume (see last post)

And an earlier question persists: is there an upper bound on the ratio between the highest and lowest volumes of polyhedra formable from the same set of faces?


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